Upper 700MHz Band - 47 CFR § 27
Formerly TV Channels 60-69
C: 770-787 MHz mobile paired with 746-757 MHz base; licensed by REAG
A: 787-788 MHz mobile paired with 757-758 MHz base; licensed by MEA
D: 788-793 MHz mobile paired with 758-763 MHz base; licensed Nationwide
--- 793-805 MHz mobile paired with 763-775 MHz base; Public Safety
B: 805-806 MHz mobile paired with 775-776 MHz base; licensed by MEA
The Upper 700MHz band is divided into four blocks plus two public safety bands. The band plan
has one 22MHz block (11 base, 11 mobile) licensed to an entire "Region". There are 12 regions
covering the United States. The guard bands, A and B, are 2MHz each (1 base, 1 mobile) and are
licensed by MEA. These bands are must protect the neigboring licensees. The Upper 700MHz band
also has a 10MHz block (5 base, 5 mobile) licensed to the entire nation subject to special
Note that the FCC does not divide Upper 700MHz spectrum into discrete channels - leaving
that to the carriers based on their choice of technology.
Public Safety broadband and narrowband licenses consume the remainder of the Upper 700MHz band.
CDMA carriers are 1.25MHz wide and in the arrangement above are allotted 25 channels each.
Up to eight CDMA carriers can be used in the C block, with less carriers if wider band CDMA
is used. The preferred set channel numbers are shown above. Each CDMA carrier can carry multiple
calls through Code Division of the signal.
Bands C and A fall in to "Band Class 7" of the international standard.
Bands A, D and Public Safety Broadband fall into "Band Class 18".
LTE carriers range from 1.4MHz to 20MHz wide (the standard sizes are 1.4, 3, 5, 10 and 20MHz).
In the Upper 700MHz band US carriers use 5MHz or 10MHz carriers.
Lower 700MHz Spectrum
SMR Spectrum
Cellular Spectrum
PCS Spectrum