Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR) 800 MHz - 47 CFR § 90.681 & 90.903
SMR Catagory Pool
A:  816.0-816.5 MHz mobile paired with 861.0-861.5 MHz base;  20 Channels
B:  816.5-818.0 MHz mobile paired with 861.5-863.0 MHz base;  60 Channels
C:  818.0-821.0 MHz mobile paired with 863.0-866.0 MHz base; 120 Channels

General Catagory Pool (25 Channels per assignment)
D:  806.000-806.625 MHz mobile paired with 851.000-851.625 MHz base
DD: 806.625-807.250 MHz mobile paired with 851.625-851.250 MHz base
E:  807.250-807.875 MHz mobile paired with 852.250-852.875 MHz base
EE: 807.875-808.500 MHz mobile paired with 852.875-853.500 MHz base
F:  808.500-809.125 MHz mobile paired with 853.500-854.125 MHz base
FF: 809.125-809.750 MHz mobile paired with 854.125-854.750 MHz base

SMR Catagory Pool (5 Channels per assignment)
Blocks G to V, see below for frequencies

The 800MHz SMR band has been divided into 25 blocks. All channels in 800MHz SMR are 25kHz each. Three unequal blocks (A, B, and C) are in the 816 to 821 mobile / 861 to 866 base bandwidth. Six equal blocks (D, DD, E, EE, F, and FF) are in the 806 to 809.75 mobile / 851 to 854.75 base bandwidth.

In addition there are 16 groups of five channels where the channels are spread across 811-816 mobile / 856-861 base range spaced 1MHz apart. There are also Public Safety, Industrial / Land Transportation & Business Pool channels in that range, assigned by other means.

SMR Catagory Pool (5 Channels per assignment)
G: Ch.201 (811.000/856.000), Ch.241 (812.000/857.000), Ch.281 (813.000/858.000),
                             Ch.321 (814.000/859.000), Ch.361 (815.000/860.000)
H: Ch.202 (811.025/856.025), Ch.242 (812.025/857.025), Ch.282 (813.025/858.025),
                             Ch.322 (814.025/859.025), Ch.362 (815.025/860.025)
I: Ch.203 (811.050/856.050), Ch.243 (812.050/857.050), Ch.283 (813.050/858.050),
                             Ch.323 (814.050/859.050), Ch.363 (815.050/860.050)
J: Ch.204 (811.075/856.075), Ch.244 (812.075/857.075), Ch.284 (813.075/858.075),
                             Ch.324 (814.075/859.075), Ch.364 (815.075/860.075)
K: Ch.205 (811.100/856.100), Ch.245 (812.100/857.100), Ch.285 (813.100/858.100),
                             Ch.325 (814.100/859.100), Ch.365 (815.100/860.100)
L: Ch.206 (811.125/856.125), Ch.246 (812.125/857.125), Ch.286 (813.125/858.125),
                             Ch.326 (814.125/859.125), Ch.366 (815.125/860.125)
M: Ch.207 (811.150/856.150), Ch.247 (812.150/857.150), Ch.287 (813.150/858.150),
                             Ch.327 (814.150/859.150), Ch.367 (815.150/860.150)
N: Ch.208 (811.175/856.175), Ch.248 (812.175/857.175), Ch.288 (813.175/858.175),
                             Ch.328 (814.175/859.175), Ch.368 (815.175/860.175)
O: Ch.221 (811.500/856.500), Ch.261 (812.500/857.500), Ch.301 (813.500/858.500),
                             Ch.341 (814.500/859.500), Ch.381 (815.500/860.500)
P: Ch.222 (811.525/856.525), Ch.262 (812.525/857.525), Ch.302 (813.525/858.525),
                             Ch.342 (814.525/859.525), Ch.382 (815.525/860.525)
Q: Ch.223 (811.550/856.550), Ch.263 (812.550/857.550), Ch.303 (813.550/858.550),
                             Ch.343 (814.550/859.550), Ch.383 (815.550/860.550)
R: Ch.224 (811.575/856.575), Ch.264 (812.575/857.575), Ch.304 (813.575/858.575),
                             Ch.344 (814.575/859.575), Ch.384 (815.575/860.575)
S: Ch.225 (811.600/856.600), Ch.265 (812.600/857.600), Ch.305 (813.600/858.600),
                             Ch.345 (814.600/859.600), Ch.385 (815.600/860.600)
T: Ch.226 (811.625/856.625), Ch.266 (812.625/857.625), Ch.306 (813.625/858.625),
                             Ch.346 (814.625/859.625), Ch.386 (815.625/860.625)
U: Ch.227 (811.650/856.650), Ch.267 (812.650/857.650), Ch.307 (813.650/858.650),
                             Ch.347 (814.650/859.650), Ch.387 (815.650/860.650)
V: Ch.228 (811.675/856.675), Ch.268 (812.675/857.675), Ch.308 (813.675/858.675),
                             Ch.348 (814.675/859.675), Ch.388 (815.675/860.675)
The largest nationwide user of SMR bandwidth is Nextel. They have combined their licenses to build a cellular like network using the limited channels available. Nextel uses the iDen technology to offer 'interconnected' telephone service as well as 'dispatch' service (handset to handset) that is offered as "Direct Connect".
Lower 700MHz Spectrum
Upper 700MHz Spectrum
Cellular Spectrum
PCS Spectrum
SMR Licensing