SMR Catagory Pool A: 816.0-816.5 MHz mobile paired with 861.0-861.5 MHz base; 20 Channels B: 816.5-818.0 MHz mobile paired with 861.5-863.0 MHz base; 60 Channels C: 818.0-821.0 MHz mobile paired with 863.0-866.0 MHz base; 120 Channels General Catagory Pool (25 Channels per assignment) D: 806.000-806.625 MHz mobile paired with 851.000-851.625 MHz base DD: 806.625-807.250 MHz mobile paired with 851.625-851.250 MHz base E: 807.250-807.875 MHz mobile paired with 852.250-852.875 MHz base EE: 807.875-808.500 MHz mobile paired with 852.875-853.500 MHz base F: 808.500-809.125 MHz mobile paired with 853.500-854.125 MHz base FF: 809.125-809.750 MHz mobile paired with 854.125-854.750 MHz base SMR Catagory Pool (5 Channels per assignment) Blocks G to V, see below for frequencies
In addition there are 16 groups of five channels where the channels are spread across 811-816 mobile / 856-861 base range spaced 1MHz apart. There are also Public Safety, Industrial / Land Transportation & Business Pool channels in that range, assigned by other means.
SMR Catagory Pool (5 Channels per assignment) G: Ch.201 (811.000/856.000), Ch.241 (812.000/857.000), Ch.281 (813.000/858.000), Ch.321 (814.000/859.000), Ch.361 (815.000/860.000) H: Ch.202 (811.025/856.025), Ch.242 (812.025/857.025), Ch.282 (813.025/858.025), Ch.322 (814.025/859.025), Ch.362 (815.025/860.025) I: Ch.203 (811.050/856.050), Ch.243 (812.050/857.050), Ch.283 (813.050/858.050), Ch.323 (814.050/859.050), Ch.363 (815.050/860.050) J: Ch.204 (811.075/856.075), Ch.244 (812.075/857.075), Ch.284 (813.075/858.075), Ch.324 (814.075/859.075), Ch.364 (815.075/860.075) K: Ch.205 (811.100/856.100), Ch.245 (812.100/857.100), Ch.285 (813.100/858.100), Ch.325 (814.100/859.100), Ch.365 (815.100/860.100) L: Ch.206 (811.125/856.125), Ch.246 (812.125/857.125), Ch.286 (813.125/858.125), Ch.326 (814.125/859.125), Ch.366 (815.125/860.125) M: Ch.207 (811.150/856.150), Ch.247 (812.150/857.150), Ch.287 (813.150/858.150), Ch.327 (814.150/859.150), Ch.367 (815.150/860.150) N: Ch.208 (811.175/856.175), Ch.248 (812.175/857.175), Ch.288 (813.175/858.175), Ch.328 (814.175/859.175), Ch.368 (815.175/860.175) O: Ch.221 (811.500/856.500), Ch.261 (812.500/857.500), Ch.301 (813.500/858.500), Ch.341 (814.500/859.500), Ch.381 (815.500/860.500) P: Ch.222 (811.525/856.525), Ch.262 (812.525/857.525), Ch.302 (813.525/858.525), Ch.342 (814.525/859.525), Ch.382 (815.525/860.525) Q: Ch.223 (811.550/856.550), Ch.263 (812.550/857.550), Ch.303 (813.550/858.550), Ch.343 (814.550/859.550), Ch.383 (815.550/860.550) R: Ch.224 (811.575/856.575), Ch.264 (812.575/857.575), Ch.304 (813.575/858.575), Ch.344 (814.575/859.575), Ch.384 (815.575/860.575) S: Ch.225 (811.600/856.600), Ch.265 (812.600/857.600), Ch.305 (813.600/858.600), Ch.345 (814.600/859.600), Ch.385 (815.600/860.600) T: Ch.226 (811.625/856.625), Ch.266 (812.625/857.625), Ch.306 (813.625/858.625), Ch.346 (814.625/859.625), Ch.386 (815.625/860.625) U: Ch.227 (811.650/856.650), Ch.267 (812.650/857.650), Ch.307 (813.650/858.650), Ch.347 (814.650/859.650), Ch.387 (815.650/860.650) V: Ch.228 (811.675/856.675), Ch.268 (812.675/857.675), Ch.308 (813.675/858.675), Ch.348 (814.675/859.675), Ch.388 (815.675/860.675)Nextel